Different types of Jackfruit from soft pulp to hard and small size to large size are grown in Tripura. Tripura Jackfruit has its unique flavor and reducing sugar content ranges from 18 to 20%. Fruits are consumed mostly in fresh form and the pericarp is lured for Cattle feed. Seeds of Jackfruit are high in starch and each fruit gives about 500 Grams of seeds. Powdered seeds are mixed with flour to add nutritive value of the flour and seed starch may be used for other commercial purposes. Horticulture wing of the Department of Agriculture, Govt. of Tripura successfully produced the following processed items:-
1.Jackfruit Pickle. 2.Jackfruit veberage called Jackfruit Nectar. 3.Canned Jackfruit Juice. 4.Jackfruit squash. 5.Jackfruit Alcohol.
The fruit is cheap in Tripura. Intending entrepreneur willing to undertake Industrial venture in this sector are well come in Tripura. Fruits are available from the month of May to July. Please contact Director, Horticulture & Soil Conservation or Director of Industries & Commerce, Govt. of Tripura, Agartala, Pin - 799001, Tripura
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